Monthly Coach Highlight – Daniel Todd, Inventory Management Coach

Newsroom | 2 min read | June 27, 2024

- By Elsa Chase, Digital Marketing Specialist

This month, we sat down with Nexstar’s first-ever Inventory Management Coach, Daniel Todd! Daniel has been with Nexstar for four years; in that time, he’s helped so many members improve their inventory management processes! We chatted with Daniel about what brought him to the trades, his career, and what he likes to do in his free time.

Q: Where and when did you get your start in the trades?
A: I began my career in the trades in 2002, in Fort Collins, Colorado. I was a management trainee with Ferguson Enterprises, working in their warehouse.

Q: What brought you to Nexstar?
A: Engagement Coach Rob Buckley connected me with Scott Pearson, Nexstar’s current Director of Sales & Engagement, to talk about an inventory coach role that Nexstar was creating. It sounded new and exciting to me, so I jumped at the chance.

Q: What are some career milestones that have been important in guiding you to your role as a coach?
A: My experience as an acquisitions trainer with Ferguson is what opened the coaching door for me. It led me to an opportunity with another coaching and training organization in the trades, which eventually led me to Nexstar!

Q: What does your typical day look like as a coach?
A: My typical day is full of Zoom calls. On the surface that sounds repetitive, but each call is unique and has its own challenges and solutions.

Q: What’s the best part of your job, and why?
A: I love helping members improve inventory operations and get a better handle on their inventory control. I also created and facilitate an in-person Inventory Management Workshop, and I really look forward to the connections made at this event!

The warehouse has historically not received the attention it deserves. I really enjoy assisting members in making sure that it’s taken care of!

Q: What’s one of your greatest superpowers, and why?
A: I am very detailed, and I really like things nice and organized. This should be no surprise, coming from an inventory coach!

Q: What do you do to relax when you’re not at work?
A:I like to exercise, hang out with my dogs, and watch Philly sports teams. I live in the city, and there are many excellent restaurants nearby. No need to twist my arm to eat out…

Q: What are some of your passions?
A: I like to stay fit, so running, the gym, and playing basketball are all things I enjoy. I graduated from Virginia Tech, and even though it’s been a rough 10 years in football, I still watch every second. I also have a bit of a green thumb, and have a plant-filled outdoor space.

Daniel with his dogs Earl and Johnny Cash
Daniel with his dogs Earl and Johnny Cash

If you’re interested in working with Daniel to change different processes within your own warehouse, please contact him at [email protected].

If you’re interested in becoming a Nexstar member, click HERE and someone from our team will be in touch with you!

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